Obituary of Matthew "Matt" Tapp
It is with tremendous sorrow that we announce the sudden passing of Matthew (Matt) Tapp. Matt passed away on Sunday, July 30, 2023, at 43 years of age. He was devoted to his adoring parents: Joanne and Gerald (Gerry) Tapp. Matt was born, raised, and lived in Ottawa (Crystal Beach). He was especially proud to have been the “godfather” of Jackson and William (Liam), sons of Katie and Sean Tapp. Matt had an immense sense of humor. He loved to laugh, and people loved to laugh with him. Matt had an interesting and varied life: he was a student (Algonquin College); an athlete (hockey player, Canada, and U.S.A.); a health-care worker (The Ottawa Hospital, Civic Campus); an entrepreneur (landscape contractor); and a loving and supportive son to his parents. Matt had a kind and gentle manner. He reached out to people, and they loved him in return. Matt had many friends, whom he valued greatly. Matt was a fortunate man, because he had so many loving friends, who made sure that “he never walked alone”.
May he rest in peace.
Matt will be placed in his final resting place on Thursday, August 17th, 2023, at 3:00 PM. Everyone is welcome. The location is the Pinecrest Cemetery, 2500 Baseline Road, Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3H9. Kindly assemble in the parking area prior to proceeding to Matt’s final resting place.
In lieu of flowers, Matt’s family invite people to donate to their favorite charity.
Celebration of Life
Highland Park Cemetery
2037 Mcgee Side Road,
Carp, Ontario K0A 1L0
Telephone: (613) 831-4600